ESG Report 2023

OUr Impact

Mediplus is committed to sustainable performance as a strategic, integral issue shaping our future. As a respected UK manufacturer, sustainability and energy efficiency are pivotal, affecting our operations and resonating with our colleagues, customers, and suppliers.

ESG Commitments

Governance & Policy

Our environmental strategies and processes incorporate an annual environmental review meeting with our Leadership Team. We follow our own policy ensuring all our waste streams from the manufacture of our product
are disposed of according to legislative requirements.

We are in the development stage of our sustainability journey and will be creating measurable Scope 1 and Scope 2 sustainability frameworks for key areas of our business. When ready to review our Scope 3 analysis we will be engaging with stakeholders on sustainability to help build a robust sustainable monitoring/reporting system that will support the work being carried out across the country to improve standards of health, the environment, and quality of life.

Mediplus are committed to sustainability performance as an integral, strategic issue that shapes the future of our business and supports our reputation as a respected medical device manufacturer.

ESG Targets

NHS Net ZeroTargets

The NHS have committed to reaching Net Zero by 2040 for the emissions directly controlled and by 2045 for the indirect emissions for goods and services procured from business partners and suppliers.

As an SME we are aware we have a two-year grace period on the timeframes below set by the NHS, but where possible we aim to align with their Net Zero initiative.

Carbon Reduction Targets

Our Scope 1 baseline emissions were calculated by collating usage data for Natural Gas and Electricity. Our Scope 2 baseline data is collated from data on the use of private vehicles driven on company business. Moving forward this reporting will be further developed to include air and train travel. Our Scope 3 baseline will be set at a later date as this is a complex data set that will require additional resource and a project group to work on. Conversion Factor used for calculating CO2e are taken from Government conversion factors for company reporting of greenhouse gas emissions – GOV.UK ( Our long-term targets aim for significant reductions by 2040, aligning
with the NHS Net Zero initiative.

EmissionsTotal tCO2e
Scope 143.93
Scope 211.15
Scope 3106.8
Total Emissions161.88

Emission Reduction Goals

Mediplus are actively developing a detailed roadmap to align with NHS Targets and become Net Zero by 2040 (For Scope 1 and 2 Direct Emissions) and by 2045 (For Scope 3 Indirect Emissions.) As we continue to record our 2023 data, at the end of the year we will have clear comparison to our 2022 baseline. This will give us clarity on our progress and guide us to report and set accurate reduction targets. As our plans are developed, the methodology and approach will be detailed in future reports, but as a guide we expect to work toward the following target reductions.

ReductionScope 1Scope 2Scope 3
5-year (by 2027)25%15%10%
Long-term (by 2040)80%50%
Long-term (by 2045)80%
Offset (by other)20%20%20%

Mediplus embraces the principles of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and transparent governance in all aspects of our operations.

Carbon Reduction Projects

Energy Efficiency

By far the largest emissions relate to our consumption of electricity. To address this, we have recently signed new agreements with energy providers for the supply of green renewable energy. Our ongoing plans include a detailed investigation into how we can more closely monitor usage to identify areas that can reduce consumption. As part of our commitment to energy efficiency, upon renewing office equipment, we purchase only energy-efficient products. Furthermore, we ensure good housekeeping by automating time-out lighting and screen savers. We have also installed low-energy LED lights throughout our office and production areas and are exploring the possibilities for integrating solar energy panels.

Human Resources & Community Engagement

Mediplus is dedicated to fostering a positive environmental consciousness among our employees and partners. We plan to deploy comprehensive training for all staff focused on environmental and sustainability care. Additionally, we encourage voluntary work with local community and environmental organisations and make donations to help offset carbon emissions from our activities.